As you step into the realms of simply Being One with nature, you enter this Gateway, as sovereign, and self responsible Living Men and Women, and we kindly ask for respect and honour of the natural environment and other’s on the land.

Rehua (Re-hua) means heavenly guardian, and represents a place of healing, and is also the name for the brighest star in the Matariki System.

Rehua is the gifted channelled Star Name for the land. Rehua is also one of the most powerful and ancient Maori Deities: The Lord of Kindness, who disperses gloom and sorry from the minds of men. Rehua was the God to whom sick people prayed, as he could cure the blind, raise the dead, and heal all diseases. He was the eldest son of Rangi-Patiki (Raki), and Papa-tu -a-nuku

We create a festival space where harmony, unity, peace and love are present.

The dates 29 Feb - 3rd March hold the energetic frequency of the number 3 in numerology.
The number 3 energies are all about creative energies:
The Trinity of 3 / the number 3 powerful symbolism. Think about good things coming in 3's, the birth-life-death cycle, the mind-body-soul connection, the 3 Acts of a typical story. The number 3 is an omen of creativity, communication optimism and curiosity. Let the Land amplify this even higher!